Tuesday, December 2, 2008

6w-Let the Nausea Begin!

Please don't think that I'm complaining. I will happily endure every single wave of queasiness, it actually makes me feel more confident that those little ones are doing what they are supposed to!

I still have the MEGA cold that started last week. I finally went to the doctor yesterday and she gave me an antibiotic. I am starting to feel a little better.

The nausea is sort-of a wavy, sometimes heartburn feeling. It's more distracting that actually uncomfortable. I also can't stomach the thought of some foods, which is new.

I am still nervous. I hope that this next week goes by quickly, and without incident. I can't wait to see those heartbeats next Tuesday.

Here's what's up with the babies this week: (from whattoexpect.com)

Week 6 of Pregnancy: Baby's Head Takes Shape
This week your baby's crown-to-rump measurement is anywhere from a fifth to a quarter of an inch, and growing — making it the size of a sweet pea (your little sweet pea!).
During fetal development, practitioners measure embryos as small as yours from precious little crown to cute little rump. That's because as your baby grows, his or her legs will be bent, making it hard to measure the full length of the body. When you are 6 weeks pregnant, your baby's crown-to-rump measurement is anywhere from a fifth to a quarter of an inch, and growing — making it the size of a sweet pea (your little sweet pea!).
So, if your womb had a view, what would you see? The folds of tissue in the prominent bump on top (the head) are developing into your baby's jaws, cheeks, and chin. And are those little indentations on both sides of the head the adorable dimples you always hoped your baby would inherit from your mom's side of the family? No, they're ear canals in the making. Small bumps on the face will form the eyes and button nose in a few weeks time. Also taking shape this week: your baby's kidneys, liver, and lungs.

Have a great day!



Anonymous said...

I can imagine that while it's not a good physical feeling to be nauseous... it serves as a good and reassuring sign that you're still gestating.

Here's to a wonderful and healthy pregnancy.

Best of wishes and God Bless,


6 Weeks Pregnant said...

I have gone through the site of whattoexpect as well other resources, those have very useful infomartion.