Monday, August 4, 2008

Almost ready...

I took the last provera today, so I should start my cycle today, tomorrow, or Wednesday. I will go on cycle day 3 for bloodwork for the IVF. They look at my FSH, TSH, prolactin, and others to make sure everything still looks good. I am going to take 250mg of Clomid this cycle, also starting on CD3. This is my last try with Clomid, I won't take it again if I don't ovulate on this dose.

I am starting to get a bit nervous to start all of the IVF crap again-it takes so much out of me!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!


1 comment:

Life with Stinky and Blinky said...

I came across your blog while searching for wingback chair slipcovers on eBay. (Talk about a strange connection.) Anyway, I just wanted to wish you much success on your journey to parenthood.