Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Sorry for the delay in posting. I was terribly upset that I didn't ovulate. I am feeling better now.

Let me explain the title. On Sunday we had winds in Ohio over 70mph. My hubbie and I helped my grandparents and a neighbor get all of their patio furniture and stuff put away and then headed home. We secured most everything, but as the wind picked up Dave went out to fasten down the roof on the garage and I went out to the side yard just to make sure we had everything taken care of. Well just as I walked toward the house a HUGE, I mean HUGE tree came down on me, my car, and the house. I crawled out and I am very blessed to report that I only have a mild concussion, and some bad scrapes and bruises. I'm going to be fine and I am at a point in the cycle that it won't be affected.

I have a FREE trip to Cancun that I will leave for on Monday with my Mom and I am excited! I need the break to relax and unwind before the IVF begins!

Hope all is well.


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