Monday, July 28, 2008

A taste of life without Infertility

I know that I have been mostly absent, and I am sorry for the infrequent updates, however it has been beacuse I have really been enjoying my life lately! I sometimes go for hours on end without fretting about IF--that is a miraculous blessing for me. I have been so consumed with it for the past years that it's nice for it to ease up a bit.

I did receive the packet for my second IVF on Friday. We are going forward with another try of Clomid for the upcoming cycle, but with the less than stellar results of the last two cycles, I'm not expecting much.

I have about another week of provera to start my cycle, then I'll have blood drawn on cycle day 3 before I start taking Clomid that day. The day 3 blood work is for an IVF cycle I desperately hope I don't need. If Clomid doesn't do it this time I will start birth control pills in late August and be ready for injectible IVF meds in late Sep, early Oct.

I can only pray that it doesn't turn out that way!

Hope all of you are enjoying life as much as I am lately!


Monday, July 21, 2008

Arrested Development

Well, I just got back from my appointment and unfortunately the 11mm follicle is still only 11mm. It looks like I won't ovulate this month after all! I am disappointed, but not shocked. I talked with Dr. Williams and he want to try 250mg of Clomid next month and if doesn't work then I'll start birth control pills for IVF #2 in September.
On the bright side, I had a terrific weekend. Tons of pool time and a great party for my aunt.

More soon. . .


Friday, July 18, 2008

A bit of good news!

Well, I went for my monitoring yesterday afternoon, which was cycle day 11 and I had an eleven mm follicle on the right which is right on track to be mature on Monday!!!!!! I go back at 1:00p on Monday for another look and to get my HCG trigger shot.

For those of you who are blessed with ignorance of these things, a follicle should be between 18-21mm to be considered mature. Once a follicle reaches the appropriate size, the body releases a surge of HCG to finish maturing the follicle and release it. Ovulation (release of the follicle) occurs 36 hours after the HCG surge. In the case of someone who doesn't ovulate, like me, the Clomid helps to develop a follicle, once the follicle is large enough, HCG is administered via injection. 36 hours after the injection the egg will be released. TA DA OVULATION!

If only getting pregnant was an easy as they warned us in sex ed!


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Oh my aching head!

My head is killing me!!!!! I have a headache every minute of every day. Gee I love Clomid!

I am feeling ok otherwise, planning and organizing for a party at my house on Saturday. My cousins are hosting a 50th birthday party for their Mom at my place and I have a few things to do to get ready. The weather is supposed to be great so I am really looking forward to it.

My cycle monitoring appointment had to be re-scheduled to Thursday afternoon, so I will update on Friday morning.


Thursday, July 10, 2008

Evil, Evil Hormones

I have been feeling totally crappy! I can't even blame it on the Clomid, because I didn't take the first dose till last night and I've been feeling like this since Tuesday.

I have no patience, or tolerance. EVERYTHING annoys me! I have a headache and I'm in a horrible mood! I'm sure I'm a real joy to be around.

The last two nights I have been in bed before 8pm and can hardly drag myself out of bed in the morning before 7am.

I cannot wait for this to break and to feel like myself again.

I keep telling myself that this will all be worth it----if it works!


Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Fresh Start

Well, even though I swore I had no pre-menstrual symptoms, I started my cycle yesterday evening. I will begin taking 200mg of Clomid in the evenings tomorrow thru Sunday July 13. I get terrible headaches on Clomid, which will be more than worth it IF I ovulate--not so much if not!

I feel cautiously optimistic this time, I did get pregnant on 200mg of Clomid before, but I also am realistic that I didn't even get a good follicle with this last cycle.

I'll keep posting updates....stay tuned!


Monday, July 7, 2008

Amazing Support Wonderful Weekend

I hope that everyone had a terriffic, relaxing 4th of July weekend! Mine was fabulous!! I love entertaining and was happy to do a lot of it!

I took Thursday off to get ready for the party on Friday, and to spend some time with my niece and nephew that I don't see very often. Thursday was RAINY, but I got everything done and the rain cleared up just in time for the Buckeye Lake fireworks. The fireworks were great again this year and we had terrific seats.

On Friday the weather didn't cooperate, but we had a great time anyway! We were finally able to get in the pool in the afternoon.

We also held our 1/2 and 1/2 drawing to raise money for our second IVF attempt. Our families sold $466.00 worth of tickets!!! My sister-in-law's parents won, and generously gave us their 1/2 as well!! I, of course, cried my eyes out! It is amazing to have such wonderful support.

As far as treatment goes, I am finished with the provera and waiting for my cycle to begin to try Clomid again at 200mg days 3-7 this time. I am optimistic, but I also believe that we will likely need to do another round of IVF.
